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Android phones hidden features

Many Android phone users are unaware of these features! However, these unknown features will be so useful for you... Here are the hidden features of Android phones that are not well known...

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* Unknown about Android? *


Now, we will give you useful information about android, unknown things about android, what you need to know about android, what android users should know, how to personalize android phone, how to use android phone and more.
Useful Information About Android
If you have a pocket or tablet with Android, you have great potential to customize and change it. Unlike iOS, Windows Phone and BlackBerry, you have high possibilities to make Android what you want.

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If you are new to the world of Android or are looking to buy an Android device recently, you may be confused. In this article, we have covered 13 basic topics that Android newcomers should know. Of course, you don't need to be an expert to use Android, but by getting to know the wonderful operating system you will have, you can get much more than it and make your phone easier to use.


1. What does Android mean?
Android is an operating system based on Linux, developed for use in portable devices such as mobile phones and tablets. The Open Handset Alliance, which aims to develop and maintain standards for mobile devices in Android developed by Google, also has a contribution.

android operating system


2. Why choose Android?
There are at least 3 reasons why you should choose Android as your mobile operating system.

Personalization: Since Android is open source, it can be modified by the developer community. In this way, it becomes possible to change the basic functions of your phone according to your own purposes.

You have many options: There are dozens of different phone and tablet models using the Android mobile operating system. Therefore, it is possible to easily choose the phone or tablet you like without being tied to a single device.


Google: Being the second largest technology company in the world, Google has proven its success in the mobile field.

Of course, there are other reasons to choose Android, but those who choose it usually give importance to at least one of these 3 items. However, we are not saying that Android is superior to other mobile operating systems in all aspects. Your personal preferences will play an important role in choosing a mobile operating system.


3. How did Android version numbers get here?
You may have heard of Android versions such as Eclair, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich, Jelly Bean. There is a simple way Google has followed with version numbers. Google selects Android versions in English alphabetical order and names each version with a dessert.

Android 4.1 Jelly Bean


4. Do you have to have a Google account to use an Android mobile?
Actually no, your phone will work even if you don't have a Google account. But if you want a device that can download apps from Google Play, not just a “working” phone, you need a Google account.

Since the Google account is also used to back up the contents of your Android device, having an account in case you lose your data will be very helpful in restoring it.


5. What do these buttons on the bottom of my phone do?
Most Android phones come with 3 or 4 buttons at the bottom of the screen. Here are the functions of these 4 buttons from left to right according to the picture above:

Back: This button will take you one step back from what you were doing. It's like going to the previous page in a web browser, returning to your inbox while reading an e-mail.

Menu: This button will bring up some options related to the currently open application. You can usually access the settings of the application with this button.

Search: If you press the search button while on the home screen, a box will appear where you can type your search. When you perform a search through this box, the results will be displayed in your web browser. The search button can also search for content on your phone (apps, email texts, text messages, etc.).

If you press the search button while in an application, you can usually search for a specific word within that program.

Login: Tapping this button (or pressing it on some mobiles) will take you back to your phone's home screen. If you long-tap the home button, a list of recently run apps will appear on the screen. On Android 4 and above, you can see your apps in this list as thumbnails.


6. How much can you customize Android?
The answer to this question is clear: the possibilities for customizing Android are plentiful. Just like the breadth of options you have on Android devices.

As with other mobile platforms, with Google Play on Android, you can install applications on your phone and improve different aspects of your phone. You can refer to games to relieve your boredom, productivity apps to make things easier, themes to change the feel of your phone, and more.

An additional possibility that Android offers compared to mobile operating systems such as iOS and Windows Phone is that it allows you to install ROMs. ROMs are different versions of Android designed for different purposes. Some ROMs are based only on a fast interface, while others focus on various functions. If you know Linux, you can think of ROMs as different Linux distributions.


7. How to customize the Android home screen?
Your home screen above Icons
You can customize them by holding them down and moving or deleting them. Your home screen has 3 basic ways to personalize it: wallpapers, app shortcuts, and widgets.


8. What is the difference between the home screen and the app screen?
One of the biggest differences between Android and iOS is the login screens of the two platforms. When you install a new app on iOS, its icon is placed directly on your home screen. When a screen is full, the icon is placed on the next page. There is no way to hide these icons (except for jailbroken devices).

On Android, your apps are displayed on the app list screen. On your home screen, there are shortcuts to these applications. Just like on the desktop in Windows.


9. What are widgets?
Widgets are live tools on your home screen that you can use directly from the home screen. Each widget looks different and can perform a specific function in the app.

For example, the weather widget shows the current temperature and weather conditions on your home screen. This widget will be updated automatically according to the changes in the weather.

The e-mail widget, on the other hand, allows you to see the e-mails you receive immediately, without opening the application.

Android has several widgets by default. However, the most popular widgets are provided by third-party developers.


10. What is a warning bar?
At the top of your screen, you'll see a bar covering the top. Here you can see currently running services, Wi-Fi signal strength, mobile network strength, remaining battery and more.

When you touch the alert bar and pull it down, you will see your accumulated alerts, if any. Android collects your alerts here so it doesn't bother you every time an alert pops up.


11. How can you transfer files from your PC to your phone?
The fastest and easiest way to do this is to connect your phone to your computer with a USB cable. After enabling the USB storage function on your phone, you can easily copy files between your PC and your pocket.

You can also access your pocket via Bluetooth or Wi-Fi from your PC, but we won't talk about how to do this in this article.


12. How can you install an application on your Android mobile?
You can basically install applications on your Android device in two ways: 1. By entering Google Play on your phone, 2. Opening the Google Play web page on your PC.

When you open Google Play on your device, you can navigate between paid or free applications. Simply hit the “Install” button to do the installation work and Android will do the rest for you.

If you connect to the Google Play website ( after signing in to your Google account on your computer, you can also download apps to your pocket from there. When you connect your mobile to the internet, the applications you choose to install will be automatically installed in your pocket. In this way, for example, when you come across an Android application while surfing the internet, you can view and install it directly from your pocket, without having to pick up your phone.


13. How to install Custom ROMs?
Installing a Custom ROM on your Android device is an advanced task, so any wrongdoing can turn your device into a "brick". In addition, your device may be out of warranty. We recommend that you seek help from a friend who has done this before or from resources you can find on the Internet to install a ROM.

If you're wondering what a brick is, let's explain it right away. If your phone doesn't turn on anymore and you can't reset it in any simple way, you can say it's a "brick" if you can't get to its interface. But in some cases, you may even be able to bring a "bricked" device back to life.


All About Android

FIRMWARE: It is the complete software system in the phone. So Android. Depending on the brand and model, different encodings can take names. The entire software structure is built on the firmware. Updates and fixes are actually on the firmware. We can say the actual root structure for the firmware.

ROM: Although some equate it with firmware, it is actually not exactly the same. To put it mathematically, it is Firmware > Rom. We said root structure for firmware, we can say that for rom we can say software that customizes this root structure according to users and includes additional software and settings for them. After Google develops the Android firmware and gives it to Samsung, Samsung produces a stock rom, installs it on the device and releases it.

Best Android Tablets


STOCK ROM: The firmware produced by the software manufacturer Google, customized by the device manufacturers for their own devices.


CUSTOM ROM: A modified version of the stock roms released by the manufacturers, including changes in performance and visuality, by the developer users.


ROOT: The state of having full authority over your phone and system software (what you want).


KERNEL: The structure that provides and controls the work between the hardware and the operating system.


WIPE: It roughly means to wipe. Actions where you see this term will delete settings and user data from the system.


WIPE DATA/FACTORY RESET: It is one of the recovery options. applied, everything is reset except the SD card partition.


WIPE CACHE PARTITION: When applied, it cleans temporary files created during installations. user data (contacts etc.) is not deleted. It is like cleaning the temp file on your computer.


WIPE DALVİK CACHE: It is used to clean the application residues in the system. It is recommended for boot problems that will occur after rom installations. CWM Recovery is located in the advanced menu


NON-WIPE: It is software that does not change system settings and user data.


RECOVERY: Roughly means recovery.


DOWNLOAD MOD: It is the operating mode used to load the files in the firmware structure to the device.


RECOVERY MOD: It is the working mode that is used to save the device in difficult situations. It is given this name because there are several reset options in it.


USB Debugging: USB debugging mode.


CUSTOM BINARY COUNTER (Rom Counter) is a counter incrementing 1 for each of non-original firmware, custom rom and kernel downloads. You can see it when entering download mode.


CSC (Consumer Software Customization) is software that is specific to a certain geographical region or operators. This software includes APN, MMS and other settings specific to operators.


DEEP SLEEP: The phone goes into deep sleep mode shortly after sleep mode to save battery. Many units that can be switched off are temporarily disabled during this time.

BLN: It stands for (Back Light Notification). It is a function that adds the feature of not displaying a warning after a call or message, which is a feature that is not normally found in android devices.


BOOTLOADER: A small program that wakes the kernel after turning on your phone and instructs it to boot the operating system. It is installed in the boot partition. If the boot part is damaged, this program will not be able to start and the phone will not be able to react. Bootloading with Jtag application and hardware is required.


MAINABANT(BASEBAND): A piece of hardware that has its own chip that works in conjunction with the processor that controls and regulates network connections on the phone. It is the part of the baseband version written in the Settings / About Phone Section on the phone.


INTERNAL SD(SDCARD): The storage area in the memory chip inside the phone. When entered in the file manager it is called sdcard.


EXTERNAL SD: It is the name of your external memory card that appears in the file manager on the phone.


PUSH: stands for (push) command: It is the command used to copy a file and directory to the emulator or connected device.


PULL: stands for (pull) command: It is the command used to copy a file or directory from the emulator or connected device. The opposite of the push command.


BRICK OR HALF-BRICK The phone with Brick either does not turn on at all or stays stuck on the screen with the GALAXY S logo and vibrates for short periods.


HALF-BRICK: PC — ! — It is the screen where the icons facing each other in the form of TELEPHONE are displayed. In both cases, if your 3 keys are working, you can try to clean the phone by putting it in recovery mode or enter download mode.


You can re-install the software via ODIN. Or you can get it to download mode with USB JİG.

J-TAG / JTAG: It stands for (Joint Test Action Group). Mobile devices, modems, etc. It is a device that enables the information in it to be deleted and re-programmed by connecting to the JTAG pins on the motherboards of micro devices, without removing the flash memory, EPROM, ROM or processor. IEEE 11491 Standard Test Access Point and Boundary-Search is the common name for this term. Originally invented for boundary scanning and printed circuit testing, it is still widely used for this application.


ADB(ADB SHELL): stands for (Android Debug Bridge). A command prompt platform included in the Android SDK used by application developers for Android. Just like CMD on windows. With this command prompt tool of Android SDK, it is possible to perform operations (copy file/directory, upload file/directory, install application, delete etc.) on Android-based tablet and/or phone connected to PC. Only Android Developers use this, because they want to see and debugging the errors that will occur when they install the application they have developed.


AOSP: It is the abbreviated term that stands for androi 'religion base' which stands for (Android Open Source Project) and can be translated as Android Open Source Project. It is mainly used to describe roms that are not based on any android version and are produced from distributed source codes, and examples are miui and cyanogen.


AOKP: It stands for (Android Open Kang Project). Based on AOSP, AOKP draws attention with its customization and add-ons. AOKP ROMs offer an Android experience that is very close to stock roms, apart from newly added features and customizations.


MIUI: MIUI is a Custom ROM and is a Chinese-based version. It has many customization features. In addition, the MIUI team has its own launcher, widgets and applications.


CYANOGENMOD: CyanogenMod is a pure AOSP based ROM. It works with the CyanogenMod base that has been ported to many roms you can see.


GAPPS: It stands for (Google Apps). In order to avoid problems with usage rights in some custom roms, especially AOSP, applications that belong to Google and that do not have open source code are removed from the rom. Considering that it creates a deficiency for users, it is possible to add it later. This package is called GAPPS for short. zip extension and installed with CWM Recovery.


TABLET MOD: The term tablet mode, which we met with the introduction of the Galaxy Note model; It is the mode that enables us to use the application and operating system features on the tablets by reducing the dpi value of the device. Features such as notification bar, application-menu views, home screen layout, page transitions, etc. are visible and used as on tablets.


In the way ODEXED works, apk files work with odex files. These odex files are loaded into the memory during the phone's startup, and when the applications are started to run, they are activated immediately, allowing to pass the loading part quickly. Changes to be made in these systems must be made in both files. Therefore, they are more difficult to customize and edit. All firmwares that come in and are officially released in the phones are found as odexed. Odexed- Device is slower to boot - Applications are relatively faster to open - Memory usage is high - Takes up more space - It is difficult to organize and customize.


In DEODEXED systems, odex files were removed and their functions were transferred into apk files. They are slower to boot than the other, but easier to customize and organize. Deodexed – Device booting up relatively faster – Apps launching slower – Less memory usage – Takes up less space – Easy to edit and customize.

WHAT IS A BETA VERSION: A beta version is a version of a program that was released before the final version. These are usually versions to find and reduce bugs. If you see version names such as Beta 1, Beta 2, remember that these are mostly versions with errors. In professional and very wide-ranging software, RCs start after the Beta level. In other words, the candidate final versions before the product is RTM. RTM is now the final version of the product, which means Release To Manufacturer, that is, the product is now finished and put into production and is available for use.


GPU: It stands for (Graphic Processing Unit) Graphics Processing Unit. It means the place where the graphics are processed. It is a processor for graphics processing, that is, we can say the video card in our phone or computer.


CPU: It stands for Central Processing Unit. The CPU is defined as the brain of our phone. All operations are done by the CPU. The processing capability and speed of our phone is completely dependent on the ability and speed of our processor.

RESOLUTION: It is the unit of measure that shows the quality in image technologies. 400×240,854×480,320×240,800×480, 1024×768 screen resolutions show the number of pixels that make up the image, that is, the screen quality of our phone. As the resolution increases, the image quality increases in direct proportion.


NANDROID BACKUP: It is the name given to the process that takes a backup of the Android Operating System and copies it to the SD card.


NFC: stands for Near Field Communication NFC is a contactless communication standard created by Nokia, Sony and NXP in 2004. NFC technology is used for credit cards, debit cards, transportation cards, membership cards and corporate cards and login. It means that touchless/wireless smart cards with applications such as output cards are integrated into mobile phones and handheld computers compatible with these technologies, and that these mobile phones work by communicating with the product and human, depending on the application (for example, POS device).


CRT EFFECT: It is a kind of visuality when the phone screen is lined up in the middle like a tube TV at opening and closing.

SAR VALUE: Expansion (Specific Absorption Rate) is the amount of radiation emitted by mobile phones. In other words, it refers to the electromagnetic energy absorbed by the body. The mobile phones you use are a radio receiver and transmitter. Therefore, they must be produced according to certain standards in order not to be exposed to radio fluctuations.


CF-ROOT KERNEL: CF-Root is a kind of kernel. The special kernel file prepared by the person named Chainfire is flashed to the phone with odin. With this kernel, the CWM application is also installed on the phone besides the superuser (root). In this application, kernel, rom, root etc. It contains various advanced settings and tools related to It also installs CWM Recovery mode, which adds new and advanced options to the default recovery mode, giving you more control. When this kernel is installed, the device is automatically rooted. Same as other root. There is no difference between them.


CWM RECOVERY: CWM Recovery can be installed with CF-Root kernel as well as separately installed on non-rooted phones without root privilege. The difference of CWM Recovery from the normal recovery mode is that it is more advanced and has more functions. From these menus, system, sdcard, mmc formatting, factory reset, cleaning application residues, installing custom rom, installing modified zip files etc. transactions can be made.


EFS: Expansion (Encryption File System) contains information about the phone—- IMEI, Wifi Mac Address, product code. This folder can be damaged, deleted or changed during processes such as Custom rom downloads and firmware downloads.

KIES: It is the official program of Samsung that allows you to access the phone installed on the computer.


ODIN: It is an unofficial ROM installer.

OFFICIAL FIRMWARE:Official Firmware.

UNOFFICIAL FIRMWARE: Unofficial Firmware.

JİG: A tiny usb device that does not enter the download mode with a key combination and is used to reset the rom loading counter.

GOOGLE PLAY: It is the source of official and unofficial applications and games.

SAMFIRMWARE SAMSUNGUN OFFICIAL SITE: No, Samfirmware distributes genuine Samsung roms but not official. Samfirmware releases consistent Beta ROMs early. Also, the main version is available in ROMs, you can install it safely.



The first thing you should pay attention to is the file extensions. All firmware files have tar extensions and tar files may appear as zip or rar files with compression programs. Since some of you are trying to extract the contents of these files into a folder and upload them that way, you should pay attention to this first. Some of the firmware files you download are in the form of a single file with a tar extension, while some of them have a tar or md5 extension with 3-4 or even 5 files.

Firmware Installation with 3 or More Files

In the downloaded Firmware, there are files containing the words CODE – CSC – MODEM. Extensions can be tar or md5. To update the software, we only need these 3 files, plus the PIT FILE. In some places, it is shown that the installation is done without the Pit file, but I strongly recommend that you select the Pit file and the Re-Partition option for 3-file firmware downloads. Otherwise, your system will not work fully efficiently. The symptoms of this may be that the phone vibrates or restarts at certain intervals.


Installation Steps

1- We open the ODIN Program
2- We mark the Re-Partition section
3- Clicking on the Pit text. We select the Ext4.pit file on our computer
4- Click on PDA. We select the file that starts with the CODE on our computer
5- Click on PHONE. We select the file that starts with MODEM on our computer.
6- Click on CSC text. We select the file that starts with CSC on our computer
7- We put your phone in download mode and connect it to the computer with a USB cable.
8- When the empty window under the section that says ID:COM turns YELLOW, we press the START button.
9- After these operations, the phone will automatically turn on and your software update process will be completed.

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Single File Firmware Installation

If there is a tar extension file larger than 200 mb from the Firmware file you downloaded;

Installation Steps

1- Open the Odin program
2- Re-Partition partition marked OL-MA-SIN
3- Click on the PDA text. We select the single file with the tar extension that I downloaded to our computer.
4- We put your phone in download mode and connect it to the computer with a usb cable.
5- When the empty window under the section that says ID:COM turns YELLOW, we press the START button.
6- After these operations, the phone will automatically turn on and your software update process will be completed.

Important Note: After this process, if the phone is constantly vibrating on the opening screen and restarting;

1- Take out the battery of the phone and insert it
2- Press and hold Volume Up + Home + Power button to get into Recovery Mode
3- From the menu that appears, we come to the Wipe Data Factory Reset option with the help of the Volume Down button and press the Home button.
4- Here, we come to the YES option to confirm the operation and we format the phone by pressing the Home button.
5- After the process is completed, we press the Home button in the Reboot System Now option to turn the phone off and on.

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Whether the information on your device is deleted or not depends on whether the version of the ROM is WIPE or NON-WIPE. While information is deleted in WIPE versions, information is not deleted in NON-WIPE versions. If the ROM is NON-WIPE, this is definitely specified, while WIPE is not specified in the versions. Despite all this, we recommend that you get a NANDROID BACKUP and a NORMAL BACKUP (Titanium etc.) before installing the ROM to be on the safe side.


Charge the phone until the battery is fully charged.
You need to do this with a normal charger, not a computer with a USB cable.
Ignore the battery indicator at the top right of the screen. See if the battery is fully charged in Settings -> About phone (About) -> Status -> Battery status. It should say Full here.
Reset battery stats
I will write the ways below.
Unplug the phone as soon as the statistics reset.
Use until the battery is completely dead and turns itself off.
In the meantime, never plug the phone into the charger.
Do not even connect the phone to the computer via USB.
Do not restart the phone and keep it turned off.
Charge the phone until the battery is fully charged.
You can return to normal use.

Let's see how to reset statistics (Non-Root devices can skip this step when calibrating once a month, since they do the stats reset by returning to Factory settings). If you have unlocked the Bootloader of your phone and you are using Custom Recovery or you have Rooted your phone, this job is easy. If not, unfortunately you will be a little bored.

Your phone's Bootloader is unlocked:
Open the Recovery menu and select "Wipe Battery Stats" from there.
Rooted Phones:
Install Battery Monitor Widget from Android Market
Put a 1×1 Battery Monitor Widget on one of the screens and click on it
Press the Settings key
Press Statistics from the trash can pictures and follow the ones written.
People who use their phone as they bought it:
Reset the phone to factory settings.
To do this, select Settings -> Privacy -> Factory data reset and follow the instructions.
Note: Resetting the phone to factory settings will erase all your data, but unfortunately you have to grit your teeth and do it once. Unfortunately there is no other way to reset these stats as battery stats are kept in a protected storage.

Let's draw your attention to three more points:

Do not remove and recharge your battery after it is fully charged. This method, called Bump Charging, may offer very little additional usage time, but it will shorten your battery's overall lifespan.
Completely discharging lithium polymer batteries also shortens the life of these batteries. What we're doing here is, in fact, not completely draining the battery. Do not take the battery out of the phone and try to discharge it with different mechanisms. Even after the calibration is finished, charge your phone whenever possible.
Because they do the statistics reset event by returning to the factory settings of non-rooted phones; You can skip this step when calibrating once a month.

Use the SETCPU program, create at least two profiles from the profiles section, let the cpu work at a different speed when the screen is off, at a different speed when charging, do not forget to create a battery profile, this will allow the device to enter power saving mode automatically after a certain battery level,


Battery calibration on android devices………………. It consists of deleting the system file named data/system/batterystata.bin……………….

So what does this system file do and why do we delete it?

This file is created when the phone is first turned on after installing the rom and records the information about the current battery of the phone. While loading the rom, that is, while the file is being created, the current battery level is accepted as 100% charge level of the phone. For example, if the battery level is at 5%, if you load the rom, you will see that your charge does not go even for 1 hour. Also, when we want to charge the battery, the charge status is 100%. In fact, it is 5% full. The indicator of this is the voltage (mV) value. That's why when this file is being created, our state of charge should be 100% so that we get the widest range of 0-100%. Therefore, we have the longest battery life.

NOTE: Battery calibration is done once after installing the rom. It does not need to be done after each charge. But if there is a rom change, it must be done again.


If you still get errors such as overheating, freezing, stuttering, forced shutdown in some system applications despite doing what is described here, the version of the rom you have installed may be problematic. Do not insist on installing the rom… Every rom can be installed on any rom without any problems in this way.

Necessary materials

– CWM Recovery (some functions can also be done with stock recovery)
– Kernel cleaning script suitable for your model, if any
– zip file to install
– memory card if no internal storage

Backup Existing Rom

Just in case, it is useful to take a backup of your existing rom so that you can immediately restore it in case of a potential problem. You can do this by using the Backup or Backup to Internal SDcard options under the Backup and Restore section in CWM Recovery. If you are using a memory card, you can take the backup to the internal storage with the Backup to Internal SDcard option. If you are not using a memory card, the backup is taken directly to the sdcard with the Backup option.

Steps to Follow


1- Checking the Rom File
First of all, custom roms are found as zip files with a rate of 90%. It will not be able to recognize anyone other than the CWM Recovery zip extension that you will already use in the installation. Therefore, the first thing you should pay attention to is the extension of the file you downloaded. In some roms, the MD5/HASH value is given in the file name itself or as an extra on the right and left of the link. This value is given in order to check whether the file you have downloaded is fully downloaded. Scan your file with MD5 Checker programs and compare it with the subject after you get this value. If it is the same, it downloaded without any problems. If there is even one difference, the file is problematic.


2- Getting the Phone Ready
You downloaded the rom file and checked it. Now you need to do the necessary checks and operations on the phone. First of all, make sure that your battery is not below 30%. Even if the installation does not take too long, it may not be enough for the operations you will do one after the other when you need to deal with a potential problem. So be careful with this level. If you are well charged, copy the file to the home directory of your phone, if you have one, so that it is easy to access on the internal storage. If there is no internal storage, copy it to the root directory of your memory card.

If you do not have important files, you can format your sdcard and emmc before copying the rom files. they will also format your internal storage and memory card. Thus, you will also clean the additional files of the applications you have installed before. Even if you don't format it, it's a good idea to manually delete anything other than your own personal files and folders.

Boot your phone in CWM Recovery mode.
Before starting the download of the file, it is necessary to start the process with a clean system, just in case.


3- Cleaning the System to Install
– For this, my advice is if your android version is very low, that is, if you are going to switch from 2.3.x versions to 4.0.x custom roms, I recommend that you first install one of the 4.0.x versions on your phone with odin. This is not mandatory. I have directly installed custom rom many times without installing with odin. But it is advice.

– To clean your existing system or your newly installed stock rom and to sweep away the residues, confirm by coming to the following sections, respectively, from the recovery menu;
advanced/wipe dalvik cache
advanced/fix permissions
wipe cache partition
wipe data/factory reset.
It is useful to format the system partitions after cleaning. will completely delete files located in these areas. so installing new ones will be on empty partitions. If you try to open your device after formatting, it will not open. The startup will be interrupted as the system files are deleted. In order to perform format operations, the upper partitions in the mounts and storage section must be unmounted. that is, it is necessary to write mount at the beginning. When you enter the mounts and storage section, apply and confirm the following operations in order;
format /cache
format /system
format /data
4- Cleaning Old Kernel Residues
If you have installed various kernels on your phone before, some residues and residual settings of these may cause problems after new system installations. Therefore, Kernel Cleaning Scripts have been prepared to clean them. These scripts are in zip file to be installed from the recovery. After flashing the zip file with the install zip from sdcard option, the job is finished and it is necessary to install the kernel or rom again. Otherwise, the system will not boot. If there is a kernel cleaning script for your phone, you can get it from the kernel section of your model. After the cleaning process I have explained above, flash the cleaning script file you obtained through cwm recovery. When the process is completed, it is recommended to install the rom or kernel directly. otherwise you may lose the recovery and you may have to install cwm recovery again.

5- Rom Installation and Final Operations
As a result of the above processes, everything that can be deleted on your device has been deleted and cleaned. Now you must confirm the installation by entering the rom file in the install zip from sdcard section and selecting choose zip from sdcard or choose zipe from internal sdcard. The installation process may take some time. If it ends without any problems, reboot the device with the reboot system now option. The first boot may take a little longer (max 7-8 minutes). After it is fully opened, put your device back into recovery mode and apply the wipe options I wrote first.
advanced/wipe dalvik cache
advanced/fix permissions
wipe cache partition
wipe data/factory reset.
After the cleaning processes, the installation processes are also completed. you have installed your rom by doing the cleanest install. Now you can start testing or enjoying.

6- Issues to be Considered
– After the zip file downloads, make sure to apply the advanced/wipe dalvik cache, advanced/fix permissions options.
– If you are going to change the kernel, it is recommended to apply the Kernel Cleaning procedures beforehand.
– If you get an error while installing the zip file and the installation is interrupted, reinstall your cwm recovery and try the installation again.
– When installing a zip file or custom rom, if there are additional operations that need to be done, we will indicate this in the installation section of the rom itself.


format /sdcard (formats internal storage)
format /emmc (formats the memory card if inserted)



When you enter the CWM Recovery menu, a menu prepared in the form of a list appears. You make progress in this menu with the volume up and volume down keys. Operation of the functions is done with the Home button or the Power button. Recently, a touch version has also been released, and the menus become functional with touch on the screen. There is no difference between them in terms of basic functions. We can explain the uses of the menus and for which tasks they can be used as follows;

reboot system now(It allows you to automatically reboot the device when you're done in the Recovery menu.)

apply update from sdcard ( It is used to install the file in the sdcard.)

wipe data/factory reset (used to reset all personal data and settings on the device.)

wipe cache partition (used to clear leftover data from previous installations.)


Install zip from sdcard

choose zip from sdcard (It is used to install the zip extension rom and modifications in the sdcard.)

apply sdcard/ (It works the same as apply update from sdcard.)

toggle signature verification (toggles signature verification on. Most unsigned custom roms cannot be installed while on.)

toggle script asserts (toggles script functions on and off. Most users don't use this option.)

choose zipe from internal sdcard

go back (returns to the previous menu)

………………………………………….. ………………………

Backup and restore

backup (used to back up the system installed on the phone with everything.)

restore (used to restore the backup that was previously taken from the backup section.)

advanced restore (the part that works the same as the top option with more advanced options.)

backup to internal sdcard (if you are using a memory card, it is used to backup to internal storage.)

restore from internal sdcard (used to restore the previous backup to the internal storage.)

advanced restore from internal sdcard (the above option is the more advanced restore option.)

………………………………………….. …………………

Mounts and storage (this section enables to activate/inactivate the corresponding partitions and format them)

mount(unmount) /efs
mount(unmount) /cache
mount(unmount) /system
mount(unmount) /data
mount(unmount) /sdcard
mount(unmount) /emmc
format /cache
format /system
format /data
format /sdcard (formats internal storage)
format /emmc (formats the memory card if inserted)
mount USB storage (allows access to internal storage via usb cable when recovery is on)
go back(takes you back to the previous menu.)

………………………………………….. ……………………..


reboot recovery (used to turn recovery mode off and on.)

wipe dalvik cache (Clears temporary files used for java virtualization.)

wipe battery stats (resets battery usage statistics.)

report error (This is the section where the error records of the transactions made over the recovery can be viewed.)

key test (the part where phone key functions can be tested.)

show log (The part where the records of the operations performed on the recovery can be viewed.)

partition sd card (This is the part where the sdcard partition can be resized and the size of the storage space can be determined. After the process, these partitions are automatically formatted.)

fix permissions (the part where file permissions are reverted to default settings.)

go back(takes you back to the previous menu.)

power off (turns the device off completely.)
What is 3 keys

It is the combination used to get into Download / Recovery mode. You will press it in order.


1-Volume Down
2-Home (middle rectangle on the screen)
3-Power (on/off button on the right)


1-Volume up
2-Home (middle rectangle on the screen)
3-Power (on/off button on the right)

DOWNLOAD MODE = Volume down + Home + Power(power button)
RECOVERY MODE = Volume Up + Home + Power(power key)



firmware download (with odin, tar or md5 extension)
kernel installation (with odin, with tar extension)
you can install some custom roms (with odin, tar extension). In all of these processes, you need to use the Odin program.

In order to make the above flashes in Download mode, you need to activate the Settings / Applications / Development / USB Debugging section while the phone is on before putting the phone in this mode. Then you can turn off the device and put it in Download Mode.




The modification file named can be installed from the main directory of the phone's sdcard partition (install
User data can be deleted and reset to factory settings (wipe data/factory reset)
Temporarily stored system data in installations can be cleared (wipe cache partition)

What is Root?

In the Android operating system, which takes the Linux operating system as its base, the terms naturally come from the linux system. In Linux systems, the user groups that have all kinds of privileges in the system are called Root. We can compare this member group to the Administrator group on windows systems. With this member group, you can change, delete and modify any system file. Therefore, people who do not have sufficient knowledge can damage the system in this way.

So what does root do on Android systems?

By default, these privileges are not given to users in Android systems, as in linux systems. Of course, this is a precaution taken to protect the system and prevent it from being damaged. However, it is a necessary authorization for advanced and experienced users to implement changes to the system. For example, changing the icon of an application in the system you are using, integrating some additional new functions into the system, making radical changes in the appearance and theme, etc. Root privileges are required to perform tasks that may seem simple to some advanced users, such as

How to Root?

Although the root authority is obtained easily on Linux systems, you need to do a few installations on Android systems. If there is no problem after these procedures (the device is not turned on, etc.), any of your data will not be deleted.

There are several different ways to root your phone;

– Flashing the insecure kernel with odin and rooting the device with the SuperOneClick program
– Flashing a custom kernel (cf-root, black kernel, etc.) suitable for your device with odin
– Flash the cwm recovery with Odin and install a custom rom with root (almost all of them contain root) from there

Rooting with Insecure Kernel

1- For this, you must first learn the kernel version installed on your phone. Go to Applications>Settings>About Phone and make a note of your kernel version code under the Kernel Version heading here.

2- In order to start the rooting process, we need two kernel[stock(original) kernel and insecure kernel] files and two programs [Odin and SuperOneClick]. Both kernel files should be files that match our kernel version number that we learned in the previous step. You can get the necessary programs and files from the Required Files topic in the Android Development section of your model's section.

Important note:

If you cannot find the secure, insecure or cf-root files in the same version as the firmware kernel you are using, you can also use the previous or next version file for insecure and cf-root. You don't have to use the secure kernel. if you are going to use secure kernel it has to be the same.

3- Open the Odin program and select the insecure kernel file that you have downloaded and is compatible with the kernel version currently installed on your phone, to the PDA section.

4- Activate the Settings / Applications / Development / USB Debugging section of your phone and put it in download mode and connect it to your computer with USB.

5- After Odin receives your phone, press the Start button to flash the insecure kernel file to the device. When the process is finished, your phone will turn off and on, and a yellow exclamation mark will appear at the bottom while it is booting. Don't be afraid, this is normal.

6- After the phone boots normally, run the SuperOneClick program from your computer (win7 users should right click and run as administrator). Without making any changes on the program, just press the Root button and wait for the process to finish. The phone will turn off and on.

7- Check if there is a SuperUser application by entering the menu for control. If not, press the root button again on SuperOneClick without doing anything. If the SuperUser application came to the menu, your device is now rooted.

8- If you want, you can continue to use your device in this way. However, the yellow exclamation mark will continue to appear at startup. The yellow exclamation mark indicates that an insecure kernel is installed on the device, but there is no harm in exiting or using it in this way. If you want it to stay that way, you may not take the next steps.

9- In order to remove the yellow exclamation mark from the boot, you need to reload the stock, that is, the original kernel. When you install it, the root privilege does not go away, it is just a process to remove the yellow exclamation mark.

9a-Reinstalling the stock, that is, the original kernel, will retain root privileges. You can also use the stock kernel of another compatible version.

9b-Triangle Away App (Only in Versions 4.0.x)

10- Activate the Settings / Applications / Development / USB Debugging section of your phone and put it in download mode and connect it to your computer with USB.

11- Select your stock kernel file, which you have downloaded to the PDA section this time and must have the same code as your first original kernel, and press the Start button. When the download is finished, your device will boot and the yellow exclamation point will no longer appear.

12- Now you can use your device fully rooted. Install Root Explorer from Market as a recommendation. Thus, you can do all kinds of operations on all files. If you need to give write/modify permissions to some system files for some modifications, you will have to do it with this application.

How to Remove Root?

The simplest way to unroot is to reinstall firmware on your phone. If you install any version firmware, the root will be removed. Another method is to connect the device as if you were doing normal root from the SuperOneClick program mentioned above and just press the Unroot button.



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